Upcycle and amend: Using safety pins

You will need:
- Scissors
-Safety pins (colour and size of your choice)
-Fabric pen or tailors chalk (a normal pen or pencil will work too, just won't come off as easily if you change your mind)
Things to know before you begin:
- This is a totally customisable process
- A super simple and easy way to upcycle and update some old garments in your wardrobe.
-This works best with a jersey knit item, as the raw edge will curl and won't fray once cut.
First, begin by choosing an item of clothing that needs a refresh and a new look. This can be a top, a pair of trousers, a skirt or anything you desire. For this example I have chosen a top.
Put the garment on and decide where you want slits. Be mindful that your skin or whatever you wear underneath will show through - so you don't want to cut in the wrong place!
Make line shaped marks using your tailors chalk where you decide you want the cuts to be. You can do this when it is on your body, or after you take it off.
Now cut where your lines are first of all in a straight line. Put the garment back on to see the size of the holes. Depending on the fabric and fit of the item, the hole may stretch when you are wearing the item.
If you are not satisfied with the size of your holes, continue to cut almond shapes around the lines to enlarge the holes.
Once the slits are to your liking, you may begin joining the 2 raw edges of your slits with the safety pins. Make sure to not push the fabric too close together on the pin, as you still want the gap in the fabric.
Use as many as you like, in whatever formation you desire. I opted for landscape in a repetitive series.
Taa daa! A brand new item of clothing, that didn't harm our planet or feed into the overconsumption problem.

Freya Fowler
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