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Transform Your Clothes For Less


New year, new wardrobe?

As tempting as it is to join the January sales and upgrade your wardrobe for 2023, after Christmas it’s difficult to justify spending money on reinventing your style.

Less effort and less money, it’s a win win!

Upcycling is a great way to turn pieces you never wear into something a little more you! And thankfully, it doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket or consume time struggling with a needle ,,and thread.

I’ve got a few tips to help you keep up with the trends and consider turning your neglected pieces into staples.

Are your shoes dirty or do they look a little worse for wear? Get some dye and transform them into something new, I recommend using a dye suitable to paint on for extra precision. This is super easy and a great way to get a new life out of shoes that you just don’t wear or some that have seen better days.

If you have any plain tops, you rarely wear that feel boring or don’t grab your attention, turn them into a cool slogan tee. Use spray on paint with felt letters as a stencil and it gives a unique effortless look. You can get imaginative with what you want your top to say or go free hand with your own design.

Another idea to just add something a little extra to your clothes is embroidering. It’s simple to pick up and doesn’t cost too much to add a little something to your clothes. Get some inspiration from Pinterest, there’s simple designs you can recreate and add your own personal twist to.

Ballet-core has been around for a while and it’s great to incorporate into your outfit, it doesn’t matter what your style is. Adding ribbons to pieces you already own is super cute and simple! Sew them on to tops, add them as ties, use them for shoes laces and belts- they’re super versatile!

Holes or a ladder in your new tights? Sheer and lace tights are great materials for making something new. Grab some scissors and cut a small hole in the crotch of the tights and on both feet and you’ve got yourself a lace or sheer top! You can use the material from tights to add to your clothes! Sew lace details onto your pieces or turn them into socks or sleeves.

Upcycling doesn’t have to be a massive project or break the bank, start small and get creative.

Thank you so much for reading!



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