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Let's not be brainwashed by the greenwash


Fast fashion, the industry buzz word of 2020.

But what is fast fashion, and what companies are manufacturing it? Pretty little thing, Miss guided and Asos are among the few companies that get scalded with the fast fashion label.

Let’s break it down, a similarity between all these companies is the online retail model. So, is it the use of brick-and-mortar stores that make other retailers better for the environment? The daily mail states “going to the shops yourself produces a higher carbon footprint than ordering online from that shop and having it delivered, 63 per cent of the time”. This is due to the transport methods used, as well as the heating, electrics and other maintenance required to run a store, such as the plastic hangers.

In addition to this, when I google fast fashion, I am bombarded with information on water wastage, CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases. But have you ever stopped to consider that these factors are present in garment production for every fashion retailer? Even the ones who boast sustainability, a factory was used to make the clothes and water was used to care for the cotton, no matter how organic they tell you it is.

Just food for thought. Let’s not be greenwashed and actually break down this topic, rationalising it for what it is. Remember, any solutions must still be commercial - as fashion should be, first and foremost, fun!

Freya Fowler

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