Everyday Sustainability: Vegan Living
When aiming to live a more sustainable life, there are many ways to make small changes to everyday life that make a big impact. One way to do this is by making sustainable and ethical food choices.
It has been shown that the meat industry is extremely damaging to the environment. Due to factory farms needing vast amounts of space, farmers are deliberately starting forest fires to create space for industrial farming. Consequently, this contributes to global warming as well as destroying wildlife for animals. The meat industry is negatively affecting the environment. Cutting down on your meat consumption is an easy way to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Ever since I cut meat out of my diet, I’ve noticed a positive impact on my everyday life. I immediately felt healthier in myself as I was eating healthier and nutritious foods. And I feel good in myself knowing that my diet changes are helping the environment.

Did you know that...
- By eating a vegetarian diet, you could save the same number of emissions as a family taking a small car off the road for 6 months.
- Approximately 25 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of wheat. Around 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of meat.

With veganism on the rise, it couldn’t be easier and more accessible to change to a vegan or veggie diet. Vegan options are just as easy (if not easier) as meat to cook. I’ve found that I eat tastier and healthier by sticking to a vegan diet. There are so many meat alternatives in supermarkets now that taste just as good as animal products. Swapping to a vegan or veggie diet is a no brainer!

There are many benefits of a vegan diet;
- Helping save the environment!
- Consumption of more nutrients.
- Life expectancy is likely to increase.
- Vegan diets are linked to a lower risk of cancers and diseases.
- Feeling good in yourself for eating healthy and plant-based!
If you’re wanting to make more sustainable choices in your everyday life, then eating more plant-based options is definitely a good place to start. Not only are there so many benefits to decreasing your meat consumption, it is fun to try out new foods and cook new tasty meals.
I follow @madebyblitz on TikTok, he posts vegan cooking videos and his recipes are so creative and tasty. I definitely recommend following him for plant-based inspiration! Follow his TikTok page here.
Let me know if you have any vegan recommendations!
Kate x
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